Protect Your Credit Scores During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Keeping track of your credit score is a task which should be undertaken even in the best of times. In the face of current economic uncertainties surrounding the coronavirus pandemic , good credit may have even more impact on your financial health. It is important to have your score as healthy as possible in case you need to get a loan, a new or different car, or a credit card to get by. But for many facing layoffs or other income losses, the first step towards long-term healthy credit lies in figuring out how to stay afloat today. What Is Important About My Credit Score? Two of the most influential factors that make up your FICO credit score are payment history and amounts owed as a percentage of total credit limit. On time payments and your balance of 30% or less gives you a healthier score. These factors help lenders determine whether you’re able to make payments on time and in full, and you haven’t overextended yourself by taking on large balances you’re unable t...